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En route to Bugesera

En route to Bugesera

The plan is to spend this afternoon in Bugesera sipping some Panache and munching brochette. Whenever I think of Bugesera, an easy Sunday afternoon under a tree comes to my mind.

I am on my way to the Eastern Province to kick back, relax and eat something that would make vegetarians frown. I won’t be alone this time round. I am joining over 100 fellow adventure riders. It seems like a lot of goats will be slaughtered in Bugesera today.

I am writing this from Kicukiro while waiting for the entire Bugesera-bound delegation. The group has already gathered at SP Gishushu, ready to hit the road. Among them are members of two clubs namely Kigali Free Bikers and Silverbacks Rwanda. The rest are individuals who, like me, are tagging along.

I started this piece mentioning food and beverages but today’s ride serves a bigger purpose than eating and drinking. The bikers I am teaming up with are commemorating the 4th edition of an event dubbed Ubuntu Bikers Run.

The said event brings together bikers from 52 African countries. Their objective is to foster love, honor and respect. In the spirit of ubuntu (humanity), bikers across the continent are preaching the gospel of unity irrespective of race, gender and cultural background.

I am told the biking contingent from Gishushu is approaching. I have to gear up and join them. I will share more about this Bugesera getaway later in the evening.

The author is an adventurer on a tour of all 30 districts and 416 sectors of Rwanda. Follow his awe-inspiring expeditions on Twitter @GeoExposure.

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